Once the outlet for random photos and thoughts, most likely you'll find updates on the little guy & gal for a while. But don't worry, you'll still get photos of things not baby.
Not a bad day to be in the mountains. Tristan (T1T2)
Here's a picture from our hike in Mill Creek Canyon today. It was spectacular. For the last couple of years I've always just missed the peak colors here in Utah. Terri and I finally timed it right this time. Tristan (T1T2)
Here what they look like without the wood and nice aluminum windows. Tristan (T1T2)
These are the cool new apartments going up near our house. We wish these were the ones going up right next door, but no such luck. It's been funny hearing people talking about these because for the longest time they looked pretty bad. A lot of people I've heard mention these thought they were going to be storage units or something. I was hoping that they were going to do something nice with them. They started putting up the wood today and it looks really nice. Tristan (T1T2)
A close-up of the trees below. Tristan (T1T2)
These three trees alway turn yellow together. I drive by them in the morning on my way to school. I had to stand in the middle of the street for this photo so I was rushed and didn't get the exposure that I wanted. Tristan (T1T2)
Today on the train up to school I got to see what this other guy was listening to on his iPod. It went from some group called Vision (I think), to Enya, to REM, to Smashing Pumpkins, to Soul Asylum. Sweet.
A Day in the Life of 2 Ts In response to my sister's comment... This is why I freaked out when the Mantis turned around and attacked me. Click here Terri, you might not want to look.
Found this monster in our yard today. I picked it up and then it attacked me. Freaked me out and made me late for Denali's eye check-up. Tristan (T1T2)
Someone asked on a previous photo what kind of camera my new one is. It's a Canon. But since I don't know who asked, I won't divulge any more, you might try to steal it from me. Tristan (T1T2)
Here's our nice table center piece from Karla and Rick's wedding. Tristan (T1T2)
This is the Target building in downtown MPLS. The top of this puts on a light show every night. The building is pretty standard during the day, but it really "lights up" at night. Tristan (T1T2)
I like this one. Tristan (T1T2)
While Terri was busy verbally assaulting me in public in front of Brit's Pub, I was busy thinking about all the cool Architectural photos people were going to find on my sister site, t1photos. Tristan (T1T2)
Congratulations to Rick and Karla who were the special occasion that brought us back to MPLS! Terri and I had such a wonderful time! It was good to see great friends and it was good to be back in a vibrant, hip, real city. No offense SLC, but you really need to get with the program. Tristan (T1T2)
Here is John serenading his "Cup and Cone" icecream cone. Or maybe he's whispering sweet nothings to it. At any rate, what ever he's doing I'm sure it made his new fiance jealous. While Terri and I were in MPLS we helped out the newly engaged couple by taking some engagement photos for them. This one probably won't make it to the final cut. But I couldn't rob anyone of this one so it gets shown here. Tristan (T1T2)
Here's the first picture update from my new camera! Of course it's going to be one of Denali. She's doing better, almost back to her normal self. She only has a hard time balancing on two legs or when she tries to do the 'kangaroo'. She's still taking medication. Terri and I will be in MPLS Thursday thru Sunday. If you want to hang out Friday night give us a call.