The Salt Lake Primary Election is this Tuesday - two days from now. The latest Mason-Dixon poll is showing a statistical dead heat between Ralph Becker (26%), Dave Buhler (25%), and Jenny Wilson (24%). Yesterday, the Salt Lake tribune stated that
fewer than 100 votes could determine the outcome of this race for the general election. (Please note that Raph Becker is now the front-runner. My blogging must be working.) :)
YOUR VOTE COUNTS - seriously. big time. i am not kidding. seriously, vote. 100 votes could determine this race. if you don't have a car, call me and i will drive you to your polling location. if you don't know where your polling location is, email me and i will find out. if you have to work, that isn't an excuse. your company is obligated by law to give you time off to vote. and, if you don't know who to vote for, or don't really care, then please go vote for Ralph Becker. It can be your christmas present to me. Thanks.