
Big Shout out to my Bro on his Birthday. Happy Birthday!
Tristan (T1T2)


We went that way.
Tristan (T1T2)

We did move to Utah for more than just school and working on our house. Today we finally got out and went on a hike up Big Cottonwood Canyon.
Tristan (T1T2)

Terri and I finally finished work in the backyard installing this waterfall.
Tristan (T1T2)


Happy Father's Day

And a very happy Father's Day to my dad, and all the other fathers out there.
Tristan (T1T2)

Here it is! The back yard woodchiped and ready for some plants. That might not happen for a while, Terri and I pretty sick of working on the yard. But eventually we'll have some native drought tolerant plants in the wood area. Some nice tall grasses and ground cover and flowering plants. It'll be sick. The sod is taking hold as well and looks like it's almost established. It's just about ready for some badminton and bocceball.
Tristan (T1T2)

Denali sure has something against toys that squeek. She did not let this out of her "sight" (or smell) for the entire day.
Tristan (T1T2)

Here we have the famous Denali bringing her second favorite toy of the day. Her most favorite is currently the new toy Terri bought her today.
Tristan (T1T2)

T2's self portrait.
Tristan (T1T2)

It's me, the notorious T1, intensely scrutinizing the new backyard.
Tristan (T1T2)


Our new neighbors. While the architecture of these are horrible, it does make the street nicer having some buildings there instead of an overgrown empty field.
Tristan (T1T2)

You can catch a little of what the backyard used to look like in this one.
Tristan (T1T2)

When you take as many photos as I have you sometimes forget what you have and haven't taken pictures of. This is the only pictue I could find that had a portion of the backyard in it. You can barely get an idea of how bad it was. I guess the yard was so bad I didn't think it was worthy of a photo.
Tristan (T1T2)

We began work again on the backyard today. This time it was cleaning out the raised beds on the north side of the house (the right side of the picture. The rock pile on the left are most of the rocks that we had to pull out. The brick path was about the only nice thing that we kept from the disaster that was our yard before we moved in. Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of T1 T2"s day in the life.
Tristan (T1T2)

Here's Terri sitting down in the middle of a job again. ;) Or is she admiring our handy work?
Tristan (T1T2)


I told you complete was a relative term. Last night I hung these shelves in our dining room and then spent the rest of the night trying to figure out what the heck the people who wired the living room were thinking. For those of you who know anything about electrical, we have a 4 switch box for the lights in the back of the house. So you would think that there would be 3 wires for each switch equaling 12 wires. But there had to have been a good 30 wires jambed into this box. It sucked.
Tristan (T1T2)


Major projects now complete!

The kitchen is also finally complete. Complete is a relative term in our house, we still have grand plans to redo the counters, landscape the backyard, redo the porch ceiling, etc. But for now we're happy with where things are at. Our bank accounts are not happy with where they're at. The paint has dried and is no longer the hot pink everyone was afraid of. We used cork as our back-splash and around the stove, covering up the ugly material that was the same as the countertops. Terri and I can finally have our lives back and start to enjoy the backyard and porch as well as finally take some trips in to the mountains and bike rides into the city.

Our living room is now actually liveable. It's been torn apart, painted, patched, plastered, textured, hung, and accessorized. The final touch was our new Sidewinder ceiling fan.


The many faces of our backyard

Here's the yard just as we started putting the sod down. Big thanks to Kyle and Julie who came down to lend a hand. It's really weird now to look out the window and see green in the back. It's been brown and fabricy for so long.
Tristan (T1T2)

This is the yard after all the sod was laid. The plan is to xeriscape where the landscape fabric is. Eventually we'll have a nice fence that encloses the yard. Not 10' razorwire chainlink fences we currently have. They don't want those giant pieces of concrete getting loose.
Tristan (T1T2)

Denali finally got some long awaited full spread action on the grass today. It was funny, once we got some sod down she wouldn't get off it even to get her favorite frisbee. It was like she was too good for dirt.
Tristan (T1T2)


A Day in the Life of 2 Ts

A Day in the Life of 2 Ts
To get the word out to everyone, Chris and Paige Norton's new zip code is 84096