
Here's a little something I've been working on. I haven't made a computer 3d model like this in years. It takes forever, but it can make some pretty cool images.
Tristan (T1T2)

Super Fresh Snow.
Tristan (T1T2)


Our quaint tree with its Dr. Seuss star and single gift. Pleas help us fill the base of our tree with christmas cheer for all to hear.
Tristan (T1T2)

We put our Christmas tree up today. These were the first ornaments to go on it
Tristan (T1T2)


Riding home on the train.
Tristan (T1T2)

more holliday lights.
Tristan (T1T2)

Holliday lights and skating at the Gallivan Center in SLC.
Tristan (T1T2)


TRAX whizzing by.
Tristan (T1T2)

High school football at the Utes staduim at sundown last week.
Tristan (T1T2)


A Day in the Life of 2 Ts

A Day in the Life of 2 Ts
There has recently been some interest in more information about the Bluff project house I helped build. Click this link to view a PDF book about the house that I put together with some other students. It's best viewed two pages at a time, as if it were a real book. Enjoy.


Just a random update to keep you interested. It's been a long couple of days so I haven't been taking many new photos.
Tristan (T1T2)


Tristan (T1T2)


The nearly full moon last night outside the architecture building. I love my camera. I took this picture hand-held (no tripod) and it doesn't even look blurry.
Tristan (T1T2)


Here's a full view of the new drapes.
Tristan (T1T2)

We also installed new drapes in the back room last weekend. All from IKEA of course.
Tristan (T1T2)

We put handles onto our cabinets a little while ago. It's strange how such a little thing can make a big difference.
Tristan (T1T2)

Terri took this really nice photo of Denali. Terri made Denali pose like she was at a fashion shoot, all angled and looking over her shoulder and smiling. Terri can't accept that deep down, Denali would really rather still be wearing her spiked collar.
Tristan (T1T2)

I say a nice rainbow on my way up to the university today. The stop light I was at had just turned green, so I wasn't able to zoom in on it. You can barely see it above the mountains, but it was nice.
Tristan (T1T2)

Terri and I babysat for our friends Kyle and Julie today. This is Braylon, and he's out cold on my lap.
Tristan (T1T2)


The view from the foot-hills north east of the city.
Tristan (T1T2)


This is the old Utah Ore Sampling building in Murray, Utah. I was almost eaten by a big pit bull while taking this photo.
Tristan (T1T2)