
Working from home

Max started daycare this week. I have been working from the office in the morning and from home in the afternoon. This is what it looks like.
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Low Clouds

Cool drive into Park City today. The clouds were all hanging out on top of the mountains.


Tristan's New Swaddle Technique

Tristan finally figured out a way to keep Max from escaping his swaddle.

PS - His shirt says "Future Ski Dude"

night ride

Went out for a little ride on the fixie to try and get my butt used to a saddle again. I think I ended up spending more time taking pictures than in the saddle, but I guess I have to start somewhere...


Trek 100 benefit ride for children with cancer

Some of you may not have received my email about the ride I'm going do be doing with my brother in WI. We will be riding in the the 19th Annual Trek 100 Ride for Hope on Saturday, June 7th. Proceeds from this great ride for a great cause, support critical pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research efforts. The Trek 100 is the MACC Fund's premier athletic event and one of the largest fund raising efforts for childhood cancer and related blood disorder research in the United States.
If you can, please lend your support. Think of the children.


The Wedding

The beautiful ceremony

The bridal bouquet

The guys

The cake...

The scenery


Moab: Pre-Wedding

Where we stayed

The vineyard at the lodge

Max practicing his super hero pose

Rachel getting her nails done

Aura getting a pedi with a sleeping Max


Going to the chapel...

This weekend we're off to sunny Moab for Rachel and Jason's wedding. Last weekend we had some bachelorette fun in Park City...

Aura, Rachel, Katie, Kate

Kate, Terri, Aura

Classy and delicious all at the same time.

PS - Where's DEEdre the bouncer in all my pictures???


Kona: Intriguing...

I think Max looks like my Grandpa Don here.
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