
Pumpkin Carving

While I made a cheery Japanese mask/Bridgestone Kabuki pumpkin, Terri made a scary MAX pumpkin.

V O T E !




Mom, Dad, we need to talk...

I don't know how my parents feel about the current election, but just in case...


changing leaves

Max having a grand ol time in the bouncer, while the leaves change behind him.


First Snow

First time it snowed at the new house. It was quite beautiful sitting there looking at the snow on all the trees. It was pretty strange, when I got upstairs this morning and looked out at the view I felt like I was seeing things in black and white. When I looked at the pictures I took and saw it in color it looked add. At any rate, makes me super excited for the winter. Our neighbors tell us that when it snows a ton and before the snow plows make it to our street, you can sled down the hill we live on for almost a block.


Little Farmer

Max and Auntie Tori at the pumpkin patch at the Little Farmer in WI last week.
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First day of swimming lessons!

What Tristan didn't know, was that he had to sing, aloud, for forty-five minutes, with all women. This weekend I will be in the pool.
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