
One week old...

I'm sure you're all wondering, "what's going on with Max? it's been a few days since the last update..."
I've been busy trying to get some stuff done with work and didn't want to get side tracked looking through the photos of him because he's so cute. Plus I have him laying next to me sometimes while I work and that's pretty great. So, here you go with a few more photos to cycle through your desktop wallpaper until the next installment...Max's first night in the handmade cradle his grandpa made.

Max lazily modeling the blue berry hat his Aunt Nicky made for him.

Just being awesome.

Just being even more awesome.
Currently, Max is not showing a lot of interest in Architecture. I hope he comes around to it soon.

And some of you might be thinking, "enough of the cutest kid ever, what's going on with Denali?"
Well, she's be great, and in her typical fashion, if you give her a new toy to play with she could care less about anything else going on in the world. She won't even sleep unless you yell at her to go to bed.


  1. He looks fake in that top picture; like a little doll. You sure have set a high bar for these next kids.

  2. He does look awesome in the Cradle.

  3. Oh man does he look cute in that blueberry hat!

  4. Thanks Anne and I enjoy the pictorial updates of Max.... oh and Denali!

  5. Looks great in the blueberry hat

  6. Wow, congratulations! -Linsay

  7. congrats he is so handsome! it almost makes me baby hungry! I hope the recovery is going well and you are both getting some sleep i am so happy for the both of you and Debali too-
