
Max's First Birthday!

Can you believe that Max is already 1! Thank you everyone who sent gifts and cards and called. Max had a great time with his cake, and Omi and great-grandmas. We're all looking forward to his big party this Sunday, more photos will be forthcoming...


  1. Happy Birthday Max!!! Can't wait for the party!

  2. What kind of cake did he get? A gluten-free one? :)
    Glad he liked our singing. Logan kept singing happy birthday for the rest of the day.

    His teeth are so funny!

  3. Happy birthday, Max!

    He looks so happy, like "Oh yeah, it's my birthday, I'm da man!"

  4. You could tell Max knew it was his BIG day. He really put on a show for us. And -- his eating the birthday cake - that really stole the show. He was the "belle of the ball." Darling little boy.

  5. These are great pictures! He really likes birthday parties!
