
It's official...

...we're having a baby boy. Once the ultrasound tech dangled the knowledge in my face, I just couldn't resist. He is going to wear boots like this; although, if we had a little girl, she would too.


  1. ahhhhh....... SO Fun! I wondered how that went and how you would do during the ultrasound. =) Let me know if you still want to go to Provo sometime, or up to the pc outlet mall. The kid stores were having AMAZING sales and hopefully still are if you want to check them out.

  2. So you going with Max? I knew you couldn't resist finding out. Awesome. I wonder what we're having!

  3. I am so excited for you guys. Seriously.

  4. Wahoo! Little boy Shepard - he is going to be one hell of a stud that's for sure. I better get knitting, now that I know what your having - yeah!!!

  5. Ahhhh. Yay! I definitely wouldn't have been able to resist either :)

    I bought him a little shirt the other day which Ill give you when I come home :) See you soon,


  6. Congratulations! That's so exciting! More importantly, though...do you know where I can get a pair of those boots (grown-up size, please)?

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I just read your blog. A baby boy -How exciting. Another Shepherd-- that is fantastic. He will certainly be a beautiful child - no matter which one of you he looks like.
    So wonderful.
